Agnew feels
A 20 Mar. 59 memo from Agnew to MacDougall indicates that
for specific objectives by
LASL needs specific devices to put their effort into


answer /
a certain time in order to make the most of their talents and to really


the hard questions.

He suggests a tentative list of 12 devices to be considered

themselves to and further
by the FWC for those things which the lab might devote

feels that a date such as 31 Oct. 59 should be set by which to have each of the
specific device objectives in hand.

He notes his reasons behind suggesting certain

of the devices and the status at the present time of almost all of the designs

which are in one stage or another of completion.

He states "the suggestions

included herein are certainly not sacred nor are the time scales but I have the
feeling that if we don't sit don’t and plan out some definite program, nothing
will happen.




It should be realized that it is only by endeavoring to

complete a test device in detail that most of the hairy and crucial questions
ever arise and are investigated."

Also of interest are Froman's comments on the

cover sheet and in the margins of this Agnew memo.

Froman agrees with only about

1/3 of the 12 suggestions for development and feels that even developing those
will not change the countr}¢s defense posture much.

Also he doesn't see the sense

in taking them through the hardware stage but feels that simply drawings would
be enough and just generally feels that there are too many suggestions to close
together and that it is just making work for people who apparently might be
* better employed doing other things.

Select target paragraph3