AZ - page 2

Quarles requests McCone to have the AEC join the DOD in studying the
varlous ways for the military responsibilities in atomic’ testing to be
properly and effectively related to the AEC responsibilities, to study the
proper organization for future test conduct, and to look into the adequacy

of the existing agreements between the AEC and the DOD pertaining to

Ina letter dated April 9, 1959, Mr. McCone fully agreed with

Mr. Quarfes plans for such a study and designated General Starboard of
DMA as the AEC representative to join in the group with the chief of

AFSWP and the Commander of JTF7.

In the letter McCone stated "the present

test moratorium and the uncertainty as to the future of the international
negotiations with respect to a test control agreement have created new
problems that may require changes in our organizational plans for the
sheetsand efficieht mounting of an overseas test operation if authorized

and necessary."
In the interim, Herbert Loper then Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
@ certain AF organizatior
(Atomic Energy) sent a memo to Major General Anderson, then with
and Rear Admiral Parker, chief of AFSWP on the subject of the organization
of future test operations, dated {7 March 1959.

He referred to Mr. Quarles

proposal for a study of the test organization for future operations and
reiterated the recommendations that the group would be asked to provide
on the organization for future testing, arrangements that should exist tor
the DOD and AEC to support each others test requirements, and any modifications
deemed appropriate as to the current agreements for maintaining the Pacific
proving grounds or supporting and conducting tests.

Further, he stated that

without awaiting any further action to be directed from their recommendations
‘they should proceed with agreeing on and implementing any functional or
manning changes that are within their own authorities.

Attached to Loper's

Select target paragraph3