This panel it turns out was a committee of the PSAC and this accounts for the
nvitation to the members to a second meeting of the panel on 27-28 February_to go
ver the preliminary draft report of the Panofsky panel as well as their comments
hich are to be submitted prior to this meeting.

hite House, Spurgeon Keeny.

The invitation came from the

zL E

Contained in this folder is « ory of Sradbur-'s

with the help of the Staff) brief comments on the situation racarsing space
esting and detection.

The objectives of a space testing system in priority order

improvement of weapons and warheads; obtaining ‘scientific information about

space and nuclear explosions in space and other weapons effects; and obtaining



-nformation addressed to a possible detection system of space weapons testing.

fe briefly estimates the priority weapons developments which might require testing
at this time and estimates the types of and quality of measurements which could be>

nade on outer space tests.

He concludes that, if space testing is legal as opposed

70 testing in other environments, we should come as close to the earth's surface as
wssible avoiding the fall-out argugment which means that deep space tests would not
ve desirable and that lower level
xe the way to go.

testing at altitudes as low as Tegk and Orange would .

As for the question of a complete ban on testing where space testing

would be illegal, he doesn't feel we would attempt then to use this regime but wow.
Sites concentrate on the detection of space tests.

One interesting opinion of

Bradbury's expressed is “that "breakthroughs” in the atomic weapon business are both
mlikely and unlikely to be achieved through space testing.”

ith him to the 27-28 February meeting.

He carried these comments

Select target paragraph3