-17Jan. of 59 for a progran costing about $60,000,000.

Only $17,000,000 is currently

contained in the fiscal year 60 appropriations for AFSWP and thus $39,000,000 more
would be required from the Dept. of Defense to conduct Operation Willow inthe
calendar year 1960.

These cost estimates do not include provisions for delivery

vehicles or instrumentation platforms.

In general, Admiral Parker requests that

the category one program (non-Argus) be technically approved and that action be

taken to obtain the necessary funding.

In order to conduct the operation in mid

1960, orders for the carrier and experimentation vehicles must be placed no later
than 1 Mar. 59.

These so called category one high altitude program consists of four

shots as follows with equal priority:

A 350,000 ft., night, 250-kiloton shot


A 350,000 ft., day, 250 kiloton shot


A 125,000 ft., night, 250 kiloton shot


A 125,000 ft., 1.7 kiloton shot.

The first three shots would be launched from Johnston Island (the Redstone system

is recommended) whereas thé fourth shot would be conducted similar to Yucca,
launched from an aircraft carrier in the waters off Johnston Island.

As for the

first three shots, if the Redstone system is not feasible, then the Sergeant (xa-20)
system is noted as a possibility.

As for the fourth shot, a balloon system is

A great deal of detail is presented for the execution of the first

four shots with various types of rocket borne instrumentation (in detail) and project
numbers assigned for 30 or 40 different types of measurements for different purposes
with the project agencies and cost estimates already laid out.

Such agencies as

BRL, NOL, AFCRL, Lockheed, ete. are already involved to. some extent in the planning

As for the Argus type of high altitude testing, recommendations arc to defer
any decisions on this program (Category 2 high altitude program) until after a
comprehensive meeting at LRL in Feb. on the results of past tests and the status of

this particular branch of science.

Select target paragraph3