
EG&G meeting to discuss opensea operations.


5 y

At this meeting it was

concluded that an airborne control point fs not necessary if the

Navy will put an LSD withing [6 miles of the zero site.

On x 6 January

Brig. Gen. Geo. Duncan of JTF-7 visited Los Alamos on an orientation
tour and to discuss the future of testing by JTF-7 and Task Group 7.1.

The i-Division Leader held a meeting on 15 January to determine the
LASL position as to whether or not Task Group 7.! should be continued
and remain at Los Alamos in view of the changing missions of J-Division,
the critical shortage of housing, the test moritorium, and task force
recommendations regarding the future task force orgaization.


concensus of opinion within LASL was that a need exists for a
sclentific task XaK group organization which should be as free as
possible for military control, and perhaps this can best be accomplished
by continuing the scientific task group with an organizational


which would get out from under the control of the task force staff.
_ Furthermore at the request of Lt. Col. Byrne of TAsk Group 7.4, Paul
Guthals is helping the Air Force to justify bringing 2 more B-57B
radchem sampling aircraft into the squadron due to 2 recent crashes.

23 January 1959, J-6 Report:


As for Eniwetok, all design work

requested for the future is in the x mill and scheduled out from
February through June with maintenance continuing at the site on
existing stations and facilities.

As for discussions with JTF-7

including J-3 and J-6 personnel, the general conclusion reached

was that the most feasible scheme for opensea testing seemed to
Include an LCU as the shot vehicle with an LSD acting as the mother

As for NTS, construction has been authorized for 4 new 500-foot

holes and a number of modifications have been requested for the surface

Select target paragraph3