£16 January 59 memo within LASL for distrihution from George I. Bell is
titled “Suggested Conclusions on PLOWSHARE and Related Topics,” and is



He states SMAB II has considered what type of PLOWSHARE program if

y LASL should undertake.

Some of the general observations are that peaceful

plications of nuclear explosives will be made and will be of long range value

the U.S., chat the AEC and Weapons Labs should stimulate such development ,
ad that the present moritorium conditions may limit a

PLOWSHARE program.

reover, the presently developed weapons are not developed with PLOWSHARE

plications in mind and therefore are not nomally coincident with the
quirements for peaceful epplications.

Also, the group feels that it appears

kely that if weapons tests continue, much of future testing will be underground.
ier briefly reviewing some specific PLOWSHARE proposals the group makes some
‘ommendations for Los Alamos:

that formal consideration be given to designing

‘lees specifically for peaceful applications; that a small, full-time working
wp of about four to six people be established to investigate underground

onations and include in their considerations:

diagnostic weapons tests

erground, repeated detonations in a single container, and performing underund tests in order to make long-range detection difficult, clearly this
up, which could draw to a major extent from J Division activities and
erience, would develop LASL attitudes and programs which would be of value

voth SLOWSHARE and future testing.
Im @ more general vein, it seems appar@nt through this time period that
vermore is earnest about selling specific proposals in the PLOWSHARE area
ereas LASL is content to consider the possibility of carrying out testing,
2 various proposals as to which have merit, what methods might be utilized

even address planning, etc.

Select target paragraph3