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A. Every attempt should be made to determine the particle concentration
in the atomic cloud produced by the Mike Shot of IVY in order to determine
the validity of the calculations contained in Table III of this preliminary
report. Program 5.4b of IVY may shed some light in this matter,
B. Experts in the field of atmospheric radiation should be asked to
check Humphreys! calculations concerning the number of particles of 2 micron

diameter required to reduce solar radiation by 10 to 20%.

lated that approximately 2 X 1024 particles are required.

Humphreys calcu-

In the present

' gtudy, $t has been assumed that the correct figure is between 2 X 10*°*
2X 10° particles. It is recommended that this range of values be checked,
C. Experiments should be made with scaled values of TNT. Such TNT
explosions should be made on different types of soil and the particle size
distribution, particle concentration and total number of particles in the
cloud from TNT explosions should be determined, Such data should then be
scaled to atomic explosions to determine the accuracy of calculations contained in Tables III and IV of this preliminary report.
D. In the event that it is possible
an attempt should be made to evaluate the
temperature upon the countries located in
compared to those countries in the middle

to reduce the surface temperature,
effect of such a decrease in
the more northerly latitudes as
latitudes or in the tropics.

E. Different types of soil should be sent to V. Schaeffer or other
experts in the field of nucleating agents to determine the relative nucleating
properties of the dust that will be ejected aloft by superweapons. This
recommendation is based on Dr. Wexler's statements concerning the nucleating
properties of volcanic ash (see references 2 and 2a),
F, An attempt should be made to determine the circulation pattern in
the level of from 70,000 ft. to 100,000 ft. m.s.1. during November in the

latitude of Eniwetok.

Once this circulation pattern is established, action

should be taken to determine whether there are any visible evidences of dust
aloft from the superweapon that will be exploded at IVY, provided the superweapon at IVY is to be detonated either on the surface or at a height not
over 50 ft. from the ground,

| 1 Inel.

Distribution List


Select target paragraph3