



From a study of the reddish-brown corona observed around the sun for
two or three years after the volcanic eruptions of Krakatoa in 1883,

Mont Pelee! and Santa Maria in 1902, and Katmai in 1912, astronomers observed
a significant reduction in the solar radiation. Humphreys (1) calculated

that if 1.734 x 1024 particles of 1.85 micron diameter are distributed
throughout the isothermal region of the atmosphere, there would be a 10

to 20% reduction in the solar radiation, and that if this is continued
over a period of time, it would reduce the surface temperature of the

earth by several degrees, thus producing a general cooling of the earth's
climate. It was calculated that if major volcanic eruptions occur once
every year, or even once every two years over a period of time, the snow
line may be depressed significantly and produce a moderate ice age,



Investigate validity of Volcanic Climate Theory.


Determine whether Superweapons can effect the climate of the world.


There are many theories which try to explain climatic changes of the
world. Some of these will be mentioned in brief in order to explain why

the ‘volcanic theory of climate is preferred. First, there is theCarbon
Dioxide Theory which states that climate changes according to the amount
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is true that C02 absorbs more
terrestrial than solar radiation, but absorption is very selective and

if the amount of COQj in the atmosphere be doubled or halved, there would

be anly a slight alteration in the surface temperature (approximately one

degree Centigrade).

Second, we have the Topographic Theory of climates

preferred by some geologists who say that long-range climatic fluctuations
are due to geological revolutions that altered the topography of the


Dr. Harry wexler (2.2a) of the U. S. Weather Bureau, in a recent

article, points out. that the main objeotion to this idea is that there
have been large climatic changes during the last few thousand years in
regions of the earth where the topography has been stable. Third, there
are those who believe that climatic changes may be due to fluctuations
in the sun's energy output, but as Wexler points out the observed energy
output of the sun has never varied by the required amount of 10 or 20%,

The Volcanic Theory of climate states that the low temperature required
for glaciation found in the ice ages was caused by the absorption of

solar radiation by volcanic dust distributed uniformly at high levels

in the atmosphere.

As early as 1784, Benjamin Franklin mentioned the

presence of volcanic dust in the atmosphere and related it to the cold

winter of 1783-1784. The Sarasins of Switzerland suggested that low
temperatures were due to absorption of solar radiation by volcanic dust.
Humphreys showed that fine dust particles at high levels shut out solar
radiation effectively by diffuse reflection, but that this dust does not
hold in as well the longer heat waves radiated back from the ground, thus


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