

"Physics of the Air" by %. J. Humphreys, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, pp 587-600

Operation Jangle, Preliminary Report, AFSWP (SECRET)
Volcanoes and world Climate by Harry Wexler in the Selentific American,

April 1952, Page 74.

On the Effects of Volcanic Dust on Insolation and weather (I) by Harry

Wexler Bull. Amer.

Meteorological Soc. 32, 10-15 (Jan 1951)


Predictions for Underground Test, by V. Salmon (27 Nov 1951), Operation


Analysis of Test Site and Falleout Material, by L. T. Alexander et al,
US. Department of Agriculture, Operation Jangle, Project 2.8 Preliminary

Jangle, Project 1.9=-3 (SECRET)

Report ‘ SECRET)

Radiological Danger from A-Bomb Cloud, by S. T. Cohen of Rand Corp.

(10 May 1950) (SECRET)

Prediction of Missile Phenomena, by V. Salmon (30 March 1951) (SECRET

Restricted) Stanford Research Institute Project 317.

Composition of clouds formed by TNT Explosions in Dry Clay, Stanford

Research Institute Tech Report #2, (March to June 1951) (SECRET)

Composition of Clouds Formed by TNT Explosions in Dry Clay, Stanford
Research Institute Tech Report #3, (Sept. 1951) (SCRET)

Instrumentation for Underground Explosion Test Program, Interim Report A
Dry Clay, by Engineering Research Associates, Inc., 1 August 1951 (SECRETS
Preshock Dust Studies, by E., H. Bouton, AFSWP, Operation Tumbler, Project

1.9, Preliminary Report, Annex VII (9 May 1952) (Confidential)

Predicted Sealing of Radiological Effects to Operational Weapons, Jangle,
NPG, Project 2.0 (June 1952) (SECRET)


Preliminary Estimates of the affects of Megaton .eapons, prepared by Weapons

Effects Division, AFSWP (5 May 1952) (SECRET)


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