

Laboratory soil samples
A radiochemistry field laboratory under the direction of DOE has been
established on Enewetak Atoll to support the radiological protection program and the plutonium soil assay operations.

Representative soil


are analyzed by the laboratory for americium and plutonium concentration
data. . Documentation of soil concentrations is essential to DOE’s final
certification of the radiological condition of each island.

There is no

quality control program by an independent laboratory verifying soil samples.
Ue believe the importance placed on the soil sampling program tc the outcome of its cleanup program dictates that such a program be instituted.
Conclusion and recommendations
Because of the importance of the radiological cleanup of Enewetak
Atoll to the displaced people of Enewetak and the United States, the
recent Bikini situation, and the recognized uncertainties surrounding
radiation levels that constit~te a hazard, the Secretary of Interior
should initiate an independent assessment of the Enewetak project.
Interior should initiate this action since i-thas the ultimate responsibility for rehabilitation and resettlement cf the Enewetak people and must
handle any problems that may develop during the intervening period before
the Trust Agreement is ended.

This is evident by the recent Bikini incident

where Interior was responsible for the funding and action plan to again
resettle the people.

In this regard, the Secretary of Interior should

have an appropriate independent organization assess:


Select target paragraph3