

When the Enewetak people learned that Enjebi could not be used
as a residential site due to residual radioactivity, they decided that
the islandsof Enewetak, Medren and Japtan would be their residential

Agricultural development will complement the permanent

community development

on these islands.

Both subsistence and cash crops will be grown on the major
inhabited island.
to cash crops.

Agricultural islands will be devoted almost entirely

The map on page 11 shows the planned use of the atoll by

The following cleanup actions are to be taken on
Enewetak Atoll:
--Remove physical hazards from all islands.


--Remove obstructions to development of habitation and
--Remove radioactive scrap from all is;ands in the atoll.
--Excise plutonium concentrations greater than 400 picocuries
per gram from Boken, Lujor, and Runit. Concentrations of
less than 40 picocuries per gram were not to be disturbed.
Concentrations between 400 and 40 picocuries per gram were
to be dealt with on an individual basis. ~/
--Remove plutonium from the three burial ”crypts on Aomon.
--Dump unsalable nonradioactive and noncombustible material
in the lagoon at selected locations to form artificial reefs.
-’-Mixexcised plutonium contaminated soil with cement and
water to form a slurry and place it in a crater on Runit.
Also dump radioactive debris into the crater.


~/ These criteria have since been made mo~e stringent.





Select target paragraph3