
without making a responsible effort to restore
. .. the atoll to the degree
that it can be madeagain



Project responsibilities
In 1972, the United States announced it was prepared to release Enewetak
Atoll to the TTPI

with the expectation it would eventually be cleaned

of the radioactive contaminants and resettled:
began in May 1977.

Mobilization of the project

The-project is expected to be completed in April 1980.

The Enewetak project involves three phases--cleanup, rehabilitation,
and resettlement ~/.

The first phase, cleanup, is being managed by the

Department of Defense’s (DOD’S) Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) and consists
of removal of debris, structures, and soil which pose radiation or other
hazards to human habitation.

ERDA, now the Department of Energy (DOE),

assumed responsiblilty for providing technical data and advice on all radiological matters.

It also assumed responsibility,
including funding, for
. .

follow-up radiological-surveys, monitoring the health of the resettled
people, and monitoring the radioactivity in the environment subsequent to
rehabilitation. The Department of the Interior (DOI), which administers
‘theTrust Terriroty of the Pacific Islands under a trusteeship agreement
with the Security” Council of the United Nations, is responsible for the
rehabilitation and resettlement of Enewetak Atoll and
forthe --enforcement
.....------=---. .- .-



“of living pattern restrictions;





I_/Long rafigedevelopment has been recognized as a fourth and continuing
phase but is not considered part of the current project.


Select target paragraph3