
The situation
Enewetak Atoll is located in the northwestern portion of the
Marshall Islands which are part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Island (TTP1).

The United States acquired the atoll from the TTPI in

1946 to use as a nuclear weapons proving ground.
the testing progrm

In late 1947, before

ccmmenced, the United States resettled the people of

Enewetak, then numbering 142, on Ujelang Atoll,’a considerably smaller
atoll about 124 miles southwest, where they still reside.


nuclear weapons tests were conducted at Enewetak Atoll from 1948 to 1958.
The tests contaminated some of the islands of the atoll with radioacti s



The pliaht of the
peoPle of Enewat~k
The people of Enewetak, displaced now for more t!!an30 years, have
suffered both the physical hardsnips of Iiviug in significantly increasing
numbers ~/ on a much smaller atoll than their home atoll and the psychological hardships of being removed from their traditional land.


latter hardship is the greater burden as the land is all important to the
. Marshallese people, being the source of not only subsistence, but also
social status and family unity.

A comparison of Enewetak and Ujelang

Atolls in square miles of area shows:


lJ About 450 people are expected to resettle on EnewefitkAtol 1.


Select target paragraph3