Identical Letters Sent To:

ior. HW. J. Bair

Manager, Biomedical and

Envfronmental Research Program
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
iP. 0. Box 999
fienians. Washington 99352
Pr. Roy Thompson

Biology Department

Pacific Northwest Laboratory
. O. Box 999
ichland, Washington 99352

Dr. Roger NcClellan

frector, Inhalation Toxicology
Research Institute

Lovelace Foundation for Medical
Education and Research
- 0. Box 5890

ee New Mexico


r. Jack Healy

fleatth Division

os Alamos Scientific Laboratory

- O. Box 1663
os Alamos, New Nexico


r. John Harley
Director, Health and Safety Laboratory .


376 Hudson Strect

New York, New York


Dr. Wiltiam Templeton
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
P.O. Box 999
Richland, Washington 99352
Dr. Chester Francis
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. 0. Box X
Dak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

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