FOREWORD FOREWORD The primary purpose of this report is to present pertinent data from Operation HARDTACK, Phase I, conducted at the Eniwetok Proving Ground from March through September, 1958, that will provide useful in- formation for the AEC-ALO in planning future testing operations. Cognizance has been taken of the various official reports of the Com- mander, Joint Task Force Seven, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. and of the Completion Report prepared for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission by Holmes & Narver, Inc., Architect-Engineer-Construction-Management Contractor. The report is confined to resumes of Task Group 7.5 responsi- bilities, the means utilized to accomplish objectives. and recommendations for attaining comparable aims in future operations. Highlights of general interest contained in other widely distributed reports of Operation HARD- TACK, Phase I, are included for reference purposes. Four principal sections comprise this report: PART I. “General Account” — contains general information about the operational sites, scope, schedule, organization and command relationships, and the functional responsibilities of TG 7.5. PART IT. “Scientific Account” —- contains a brief summaryof general data contained in the TG 7.1 report, excluding any yield data or descriptions of specific devices. Page 4 PART III. ‘Managerial Account” —- covers the general administra- PART IV. “Conclusions and Recommendations” —- prepared by the Manager, Albuquerque Operations, with respect to activities which affect TG 7.5 functions. tive aspects of the Operation. PaHRrRPHaraoHHnnHe HAR HHHHHAHRHRARAR OR AERE NEIDENHAt: