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WING but was removed after that Operation.
When it was determined that the USNS AINS-

WORTH would again be used for Operation

HARDTACK,TG 7.1 requested communications
services be provided to support the evacuations
of Bikini Atoll. After the equipment was reinstalled, it was requested that it remain installed
for possible future use. H&N maintained the
radio equipment aboard and operated thetelephone exchange. Personnel required to man the
TG 7.5 Com Center during evacuations were

assigned from the Nan Com Center.


A 12-channel tropospheric scatter radio

system was developed during REDWING

to provide inter-atoll communications services.
Requirements for HARDTACK greatly exceeded those for REDWING, and action was taken

to obtain a system with suitable band width to

accommodate the added requirements. A 72channel tropospheric scatter system, located
within a U. S. Air Force Base and determined to
be excess to needs, was loaned to the EPG in-

definitely. This system was moved from Stewart

AFB. New York, and installed at EPG. Sixteen
channels were utilized to provide private line
subscriber-to-subscriber type service. A 24-channels of encrypted voice (ciphony) service and two
channels of teletype service. Also. a channel was

allocated to TG 7.1 for use in passing Bikini voice
“count-down” to selected Site Elmer subscribers,
and a channel was allocated to TG 7.4 for the
coordination of air traffic between the Eniwetok
and Bikini contro! towers.


A total of 41 voice equivalent channels

was utilized during Operation HARD-

TACK. The subscriber-to-subscriber-type private-line channels were eliminated However, the

Bikini AtoH dial s«stem. the additional 2-way
dial tie-lines hetween Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls,

and the imorovements in ciphony equipment to
permit good quality voice service within the de-

signed 50-kc band width (12-channel] equivalent)

will ensure an adequate number of channels for

future operations.


The AN TRC-24-tvpe radio equipment
obtained on loan from military sources
was installed at Sites Nan and Elmer to provide

radiotelephone and radicteletvpe service to the

This equipment was also utilized to extend

ciphonyservice to the USS BOXER. Radiotelephone channels were connected to Sites Elmer
and Nan switchboards, and adequate service
was obtained. The increased power of this type
transmitter and the use of higher gain directional

antenna ashore improved coverage and extended

reliable service fromm as far as 40 to 45 miles from
Site Nan.


A high frequency circuit utilizing frequencies and equipment formerly allocated to inter-atoll service was activated to provide
a snip-shore service with the MV ALOTO and
to provide communications with HEN forces engaged in constructing off-atoll Weather and Rad-

Safe Stations. Voice service was considered
marginal and procurement action has been initiated to obtain single side-band-type transmit-

ters and receivers to improve voice quality,
thereby reducing the volume of CW message





and operated


Centers on Sites Elmer, Nan, How, and
during evacuation periods, aboard the USNS

AINSWORTH. The Com Center on Site How
was deactivated when ABMAfacilities were relocated to Johnston Island. The principal Com
Center was located in Building 208, Site Elmer,

and was equipped with on-line crypto circuits
to Los Alamos, and to the Sites Nan and Fred
crypto. In addition, circuits capable of handling

unclassified messages and messages encrypted
in off-line crypto systems were installed, con-

necting the Site Elmer Com Center to Weather

Central, Fred relay, and the back-up circuit

to the USS BOXER. The average instation handling time for message of all pre
cedences was considerably higher than during
the REDWING Operation. This was due to a
33% increase in traffic with no increase in opera-

ting work space. Crowded conditions led to lower

operating efficiency and an increased number of

security violations. The space situation became
so acute that it was necessary to establish a
Com Center Annex in the TG 7.1 teleconference
facility. This allowed more space for operators

to handle the traffic load, but it was not the
solution to the space problem. Separating the

Com Center function increased supervision problems and the opportunities for committing security violations since it entailed carrying classified messages to and from the Annex. Action is

being taken to construct an addition to Communications Building 224 to accommodate a TG
7.6 Com Center facility.

TG 7.5 was delegated installation and
operating supervision for the Com Center
created to process news agencytraffic resulting

from the PINON event. The installation was made
in Building 224, with 8 teletypes machines and

1 facsimile machine to handle the traffic origi-

nated by news media representatives. The circuits were connected through military transmit-

ting facilities from Eniwetok to Hawaii and were

terminated in Honolulu commercial services.

After the PINON shot was cancelled, equipment
was removed and operating personnel were released.

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