Figure 3-5.

Station 1312, Site Janet.

rebuilt at the new location. On Site Nan, the

base camp for Bikini Atoll. the major facilities
constructed included a TG 7.1 Administration

Building: Building 20+-Communications; a three-

fingered barge slip and assembly area; and
Assembly Building 279. The rehabilitation and
modification of Stations 70 and 500 also required considerable construction effort.


test facilities on schedule. Additional] events
were scheduled early in June and absorbed into

the construction program. The problems of emergency procurement were met by “crash’’ buving

in the United States and in the Hawaiian
Islands, and by the expediting of items bywair
to Jobsite. Construction starting and completion
dates for scientific stations are shown in Fig. 3-7.

In addition to the manyscientific structures. complex submarine cable and elec-

distribution svster.s were installed at

Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls to service the vari-

ous major installations. Several existing stations

at both atolls were modified to meet the requirements of Operation HARDTACK, PhaseI.

The late submission of criteria to the
Contractor resulted in a “crash” construction program to mt target dates for scheduled events. Use of shot barges for the majority

of events provided a flexibility of location and
at the same time allowed maximum utilization
of the scientific complexes. Construction forces

were working on a 72-hour extended work-week

from March through July in order to complete



Prior to the build-up phase of Operation
HARDTACK, maintenance on scientific
structures was continuous, with records kept
reflecting the maintenance checks for each of

the stations. Maintenance Work Orders were
issued for the rehabilitation of certain of these
stations during the build-up period. The interiors
of such stations were cleaned or sandblasted

and painted and, in some cases, the blast doors
required extensive repair work. Following Oper-

ation HARDTACK, the majority of mechanical
equipment installed in stations remained in place,
with the provision that the equipment be opera-

ted every two weeks for maintenance purposes.

Page 46



Select target paragraph3