Fe ee ee ee re rr





AFSWC; LASL; UCRL; Sandia Corporation;
and all other agencies that participate regularly
in EPG operations.



Plans for the improvement of EPG base
facilities (PAC construction) were drawn
up and submitted to ALOO by the Contractor
in March 1957 for inclusion in the FY 1958

Formal planning

for expendable test

The TG 7.5 Operation Plan 1-58 was
issued on 14 February 1958 and included
only essential classified information and in-

facilities for the HARDTACK Operation,
scheduled for Spring 1958 at EPG, began late
in 1956, several months after the successful con-

ctructions that could not be issued in the unclas-

tion of this series was 22 July 1956). Critena


Spring 1937.

OTO, ALO, made detailed advance plans for
their respective operations at EPG. The Financial Management Branch issued a classified

clusion of Operation REDWING (last detona-

for test facilities began to be developed in late

Plans for advance procurement and shipment of construction materials and equipment began at the Contractor’s Los Angeles
Office and at Jobsite in January, 1957.

Planning for all facets of TG 7.5 opera-

tional responsibilities for Operation

HARDTACK at EPG began in earnest in Jan-

uarv, 1957, with the preparation of the budget

for FY 1958. The scheduled PAC construction
assumed that Operation HARDTACK would be
approximately the same size as Operation REDWING.

As early as July, 1958, it became ap-

parent. hased on a study of TG 7.1’s general concept, that Operation HARDTACKwould
he at least 60 larger than Operation REDWING; hence, a revised estimate of required
funds was submitted to DMA. Authority for

which required this information.

The Chiefs, Financial Management, Se-

curity, and Communications Branches of

Chart of Accounts and detailed instructions on

the preparation of improved Cost Reports. De-

tails on Security and Communications plas are

covered in Chapters VII and VIII.



E-3, TG 7.5, was assigned the responsibility for TG 7.5 operational) plans, including evacuation plans. E-3 prepared, issued and
supervised the execution of detailed plans for
the evacuation of TG 7.5 personnel for each
event and coordinated the plans with JTF-Seven
and other Task Groups.

Similarly, E-4, TG 7.5, was responsible
for the preparation and execution of plans

for TG 7.5 supply and transportation operations.
Plans for over-all requirements of supplies, ma-

procurement was also re-

terials, and equipment were prepared at Jobsite
and transmitted to the Los Angeles Office for
procurement and shipment to the EPG. Individ-

Coordination of all planning was effected
by AEC ALO direct communications with

requirements for Bikini Atol] and later for Johns-

additional advance


sified SOP. Distribution was limited to offices

ual plans were made for the over-all supply

ton Island. Changes and additions to the shot

the various Scienzitic Users; conferences spon-

schedule required an alteration of the supply
and transportation plans. Transportation plans

Base; engineering and construction conferences

by land, sea, and air were also continuous and

sored by CJTF-Seven; EPG Planning Board
meetings: Project Officers’ conference at Sandia
with H&N: and inspection trips to EPG.

In October. 1957, after receipt and study

of the JTF-Seven Operation Plan, the
Pacific Operations Division, ALO, began the
preparation of TG 7.5 directives. The Director,

for supplies, materials, equipment, and personnel

comprehensive. Brief reports on the transportation and supply operations of TG 7.5 are included in Chapters IX and X.


Another major field in which planning

played an important part was in the engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance of base facilities and scientific test

POD, made a decision to simplify the TG 7.5
Operation Plan through the use of a Standard
Operating Procedure. The bulk of routine instructions plus new instructions on items, such
as the check-cashirg service, that were not classi-

at Jobsite. The Chief, Los Angeles Branch, AEC.

to JTF-Seven; all Task Groups; all AEC offices
directly concernec: Ficld Command, AFSWP;

performed the same functions at Jobsite. For

fied were included in the SOP and distributed


facilities. Detailed plans and cost estimates were

prepared, both at the Los Angeles Office and

supervised the work and approved plans for construction at the Los Angeles Office. E-6, TG 7.5,

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