A study was undertaken to reexamine thyroid absorbed dose estimates for
people accidentally exposed to fallout at Rongelap, Sifo, and Utirik Islands

from the Pacific weapon test known as Operation Castle BRAVO.

The study

1) reevaluation of radiochemical analysis, to relate results from
pooled urine to intake, retention, and excretion functions; 2) analysis of

neutron-irradiation studies of archival soil samples, to estimate areal activities of the iodine isotopes; 3) analysis of source term, weather data, and me-

teorological functions used in predicting atmospheric diffusion and fallout
deposition, to estimate airborne concentrations of the iodine isotopes; and 4)
reevaluation of radioactive fallout, which contaminated a Japanese fishing vessel in the vicinity of Rongelap Island on March 1, 1954, to determine fallout
components. The conclusions of the acute exposure study were that the population mean thyroid absorbed doses were 21 gray (2,100 rad) at Rongelap, 6.7 gray
(670 rad) at Sifo, and 2.8 gray (280 rad) at Utirik. The overall thyroid cancer
tisk we estimated was in agreement with results published on the Japanese
exposed at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. We now postulate that the major route for intake of fallout was by direct ingestion of food prepared and consumed outdoors.
We believed urine bioassay results for 1311 excreted from people exposed
at Rongelap to be accurate. We extrapolated our thyroid dose estimates from.
measured and derived quantities which were related to urine bioassay results.
The facts which related were 1) fallout arrival and observation times, 2) size
and nuclide composition of BRAVO fallout (also known as Bikini ash), 3) Rongelap,
Utirik and Sifo Island exposure-rate measurements and 4) diet and Living pattern

The 1311 intake, which we estimated from 131] measured in urine,

was used by us as a normalization point to link related facts. This allowed us
to estimate the intake of other iodine isotopes and the intake of
Studies used by us to deduce the amount of 129y deposited at Rongelap and
Utirik as a result of the BRAVO detonation revealed a much greater level of 1297
in soil than could be derived by using other methods. Additionally, the uncertainty associated with soil measurements was very great. We concluded that
other weapons tests may have influenced the soil concentrations of 1297 and that
isobars rather than isotopes of 1297 may have exhibited similar behavior. Thus,
I to derive the intake of other radioiodines was not possible.
The meteorological approach used to assess thyroid dose did not result in
agreement with relatable quantities. The value for predicted increase in exposure rate based on meteorology, or the meteorological-based estimate of wholebody dose, duration of fallout, or airborne activity concentration were not consistent with values obtained by measurement or estimates derived by different

The composition, specific activity and particle size of BRAVO fallout
(Bikini ash) were in agreement with other observed facts. Based on BRAVO fallout composition and specific activity studies, surface activity results which we
derived for varous locations downwind of the detonation site were in agreement
with directly measured surface activities made at these same locations shortly

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Select target paragraph3