ACR Ada R PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED Department of Energy Pacific Area Support Office P.O. Box 29939 Honolulu, Hawaii 96820 November 8, 1982 Roger Ray, Deputy for Pacific Operations, NV William J. Stanley, Director, PASO TRIP REPORT - BNL MEDICAL MISSION - OCT/NOV 1982 - PART I (Rongelap and Utirik) ets meirTeane /- | I. Background of Objectives " This mission's objectives were to provide pediatric medical and dental -| para ferent ATG. Bre: 4 -care to the children under 15 years of age of Utirik and Rongelap, to the children of BNL's adult lists in Majuro and Ebeye, and to certain Bikini g OMITIALS/ children on Ejit. In addition, individual- follow up and examinations were scheduled for some patients previously missed or not seen in some time. Sick call was also held in outer islands. Il. General Mission Results —_ iitearelsnsys A. Utirik Atoll ne eee DATE The meeting with the community (120 attended) was routine and few questions were asked; nine ri = on the Wheeling survey. ATG. The BNL group worked heavily and intensively during the four days, examining larger numbers of children. aeerTeaasles: (The dentist alone, treated over eighty children and worked into the night on several occasions to complete as much work as possible). DATE | A dramatic situation arose on October 13, 1982 when a six2month old gravely il] with pneumonia was saved by prompt medical baby, evacuation. This gratifying, life-saving act (the child recovered in hospital and now is in excellent condition) resulted from the successful, coordinated activities of a number of personnel: BNL staff, DOE/HAN staff, REPMAR officials and KMR flight and hospital crews, al} of whom we salute for their fine work and professionalism. Several adults were identified for REPMAR or BNL medical a non-critical basis. Reynold individually for BNL patients. - oe --. egg ee DOE FORM ap.e (12-77) - Le ath referral on deBrum will deal with their arrangements os ee ee —— eee —2 eee OFFICIAL FILE COPY _ Bt wet -—— - —_— e+ a IG, Bteeu bociTeaces aes ortemeree | oate RIG. O¥ mex. erence lan: Bate