Soil Duplicates

Each soil sample (500 to 900 g) was placed in a |-gal can. It was then dried for 48 h
at 75°C, weighed, and redried for an additional 24 h and then reweighed.
weight was noted, it was considered dry.

If constant

If not, it was returned to the oven for an

additional 24 h. Once dry, eight I-in. stee! grinding balls were placed in the can with
soil, the cover securely sealed, and the samples ball milled continuously for 48 h. After
ball milling, the necessary number of aliquots was canned, labeled, and forwarded for
analysis. Soil duplicates represented the largest fraction of duplicates prepared.
Vegetation Duplicates

Vegetation duplicates were almost exclusively prepared from composite coconut
meat samples. All vegetation was maintained frozen at LLNL until processed. To ensure
against contamination, fruits and roots were washed very carefully before dissection.
Once the samples were dissected into their various segments(i.e., meat, skin, and seeds),
the segments were placed in plastic containers and weighed.

Following weighing, the

samples were freeze-dried and reweighed. The dry vegetation material was then ground
to a homogeneous texture in Waring blenders, appropriate aliquots were taken and pressed
into aluminum tuna or bean cans until a uniform density was achieved, the cans labeled as

required, and then forwarded for analysis.
Terrestrial Animal Duplicates
Terrestrial animal duplicates were prepared from various parts of a pig; the

hindquarter being used the most.

Processing procedures were the same for the animal

samples as for the vegetation with one exception: formaldehyde was pipetted into the can
after the sample was pressed.

After sealing, the Cans were appropriately labeled and

forwarded for analysis.
Marine Organism Duplicates
Marine organism duplicates were prepared from various tissues and organs of fish

and clams. After dissecting, tissues and organs of a species from the same catch were
pooled. Wet weights were determined and then the samples were dried to constant weight
in ovens at 90°C.

Following drying, the samples were dry ashed in muffle furnaces at


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