



no imported food


no imported food plus water shortage

Live on Eneu Island - all food grown on Ineu except not all
coconut from lineu (plus imported food):

10 percent Bikini Island coconut and coconut milk


50 percent Bikini Island coconut and coconut milk.

Live on Bikini Island - all food grown on Bikini plus fish

from lagoon (plus imported food).

The age group in the population receiving the highest annual
dose should be used.
Average values should be used for external

radiation levels

(by island)

as well as



levels of items of the diet.
The diet used for previous Bikini
estimates should be updated for these predictions where needed.
The aerial radiological survey data from the Bikini portion of
the Northern Marshalls survey should be used.
If for Options I, II, and IIT above there are any significant
differences in the dietary intake within the population that
could cause a few individuals (as opposed to consideration
of differences among age groups) to receive higher doses, these
should be evaluated.
Annual whole body and bone marrow doses
(in the highest year) for such individuals would be predicted.
Finally, the exposure history for those who have already lived
on Bikini Island must not be overlooked.
In calculating 30year exposures for all three options, this past exposure must be
Since the standard applies to the average exposure
of a population, it is suggested that an average value be
developed for those who lived on Bikini Island.
This value will
be included in all 30-year dose estimates.

Select target paragraph3