4Otaia } i Department of Energy Wishington, D.C. 20545 . roe ke Abert fj . GU ee Ig Di. EH. M. Morimoto Division Leader mnvirenmental Seiences Lewrence Livermore Laboratory Livermore, California 4550 Dear Ed: During your December visit we agreed to detail what is needed in the next round of dose estimates for Bikini. As you know, it is our conmitrient to conduct a program of radiological follow- up and to periodically reassess radiological conditions at Bikini. LLL dose estimates along with the Brookhaven, PNL, whole body measurements are the end products of this followup. These measurements and predictions are key elements in developing advice for Department of the Interior, DOI, and Department of Defence, DOD. With the recent evacuation of Bikini Island last August, the next question is whether or not Eneu Island can be used as a village island and still maintain exposures el residents within the aceceplable standards. Past data has net provided any optimism on the answer to this question. Bor 18 anxiously awaiting the nev information. We are committed to provioing this information and subsequent advice to DOI by the end of January 1979. We have listed and enclosed suggesteed options relative to the asSessment of Eneu as a village island. <Any suggestions you have would be most welcome. We would of course be pleased to discuss this with you ana Bist Kebison. Sincerely , BEST COPYAVAILABLE| 1 0.8 [AdeSs L.-doe Deal, Assistent Director «hd. os Division of Operational and JFinvirorurental Satety ce: RR. J. W. OW. Catlin, Burr, C2CO OER AL. Woyzen, OER W. Baty, PND ast = oS = <T} cy auua® co B. Wochholz R. Ray, RV