Rose, George G., ed. Cinemicrography in Cell Biology.

1963. 18.50 (ISBN 0-12-596350-7). Acad Pr.

Conference On Microcirculation -6th European - Aalborg
- 1970, Micracirculatary Approsches to Current

Therapeutic Problems: Lung in Shock, Organ

Transplantation, Diabelic Mieroanginpathy. Ditzel, J. &

Lewis, BD. H., eds. 1971. 14.60 (ISBN 3-8055-1186-8).

Conference On Microcirculation - 6th European - Aalborg
+ 1970. Proceedings. Ditzel. J. & Lewis, D. EL. eats.

1971. 65.86 (ISBN 3-8055-1234-1) Phiebig.

Conferences On The Micracirculation As Related To
Shock - Boston University -1967. Microcirculation As
Relsted to Shock. Shepro, David & Fulton, George P.,

eds. 1968. 12.50 (ISBN 0-12-639650-7), Acad Pe.

Harders, Harold, ed. Advances in Microcireuistion, Vol.

3. 1970. 15.40 (ISBN 3-K055-0553-5). Phicbig.

Reynolds, Samucl R. & “Zacifach, Benjunin W., eds. The
Microcircufations Factors Influencing Exchange of
Substances Across Capillary Wall. (lllus.). 1959, 4.50%

(ISAN G-252-72$55-7). U af IPr.

Winters, Willism L., Jr. & Brest, Albert N. Microcirculalion: A Symposium. (Hlus.). 1969, 16.75

(ISHN 0-399-02093-0). C C Thomas.

Zweifach, Benjamin. Functional Aehavior of the
Microcirculalion. (American Lecture physieneey Ser).
(IMus.}. 1961. 7.00 (ISBN 0-398-02151-1), CC


Franklin, Thomas B, Climates in Miniature, (1lhis }. Repr.

of 1955 ed. 9.50 (ISBN 0-8371-5591-6), Greenwood,

Bernard, Silvestris. De Mundi Univeesitate Libri Due:
Sive, Me Gacosmus EL Microcosmus. 1876. 8.35
Johnson Repr,
Cunger, George P, Theories of Macrocosms &

Microcosms in the History of Philosophy. 1967, Repr.

of $922 ed. 7.00, Russell.
Hare, Michael M, Micracosim & Marecrocasm. 15.00

(ISBN 0-87097-016-X}, Julian.

see also Economics
Arrow, Kenneth J. & Hahn, EF. H. General Competilive
Analysis. Orig. Tile: Coinpetiive Equilibrium

Analysis. J971. text ed. 15.95 (ISBN 0-8462-0275-3).

Haumal, William, Ecunomic Theory & Operations
Analysis, 3rd ec. {tllus.). 1972. 13.95 (ISBN O-12-

227157-5). P-HL,

Raumot, William J. Ecanomie Theary & Operations

Analysis. tnd ed. 1965. 12.95 (ISBN 0-13-227140-0).

Becker, Gary $. Reanomic Theory. 1971. text od. 9.50
(31492, Knap(C), Knopl.
Bitas, R. A. Microeconomic Theaury, Ind cd. 1971. 9.95
CSQN 0-07-005258-1}; instructors’ manual. 2.50 (ISBN
0-07-005272-7); Problems in Miceucconamics $ 50
(SBN 0-07-005263-8). MeGraw.
Breit, William & Hochman, Harold M. eds. Readings in
Microeconomics. 1968. pap. est ed. 695 (ISDN 0-03.
067040-3, Malic). IRAW,
Chipman, John S., et al, eds. Preferences, (ility, &
Demand: A Minnesota Symposia (Harbrace Ser, in
Business & Economics} (iius.). (974. text ed. 13,75
(ISBN 0-15-571077-X). HarBraced,
Cinwer, Robert W. & Due, Johan F. Microeconansics.
1972. 14.00; text ec. 10.50. Irvin,
Greenhut, Melvin L. Theory of the Firat in Econonvic
Space, ((us.). 197b. text ed. 14.95 (ISBN 4}-3901$520-4). Appleton.
Hadar, Josef. Mathenimtical Theory of Economic
Behavior. (Economics Ser). 1971. texted. 11.95 (ISHN
0-201-02652-X). A.W.
Hatwick, Richard E., ct al. Demand, Supply & the
Market Mechanism, 1971, 4.25 (ISAN 0-13-197996. 5)
Pap. texted, 3.95, PUL.
Heilbraner, Robert L, Understanding Microccanu:nics.
2nd cd. {Reference ed.). 1972, text ed. 8.95 (ISBN O13-936377-7); 4.50 (ISBN 0-1 3-936369-6). | HH.
fuman, R. & Rea, S, Je Student's Guide to Econamies &
the Private interest. 1970. pap. teat ed. 3.95 (ISBN 087620-243-1). Goodyear,
Kogiku, K. C. Microceanomic Modets. (Mus) 1971. text
ed. $0.95, (ISHN 0-06-043746-4, HarpC). Har-Row,
Kwang, Ching- Wen & Wa, Yuan Li, Mathematical
Programming & Economic Analysis of the Firm: An
Intraduction. 1971, texted, 7.95 (ISHN 0-7002-2386.0). Intext.
Mansfeld, Edwin, cd. Microccanomics: Selected
Readings. 1971. pap. text cdl 5.952 (ISBN 0-393.
09989.X). Narvton.
Rader, Trout. Theory of Microccanomics, 1971, text ed,
14.50 (SAN 6-12-575050-1). Acad Pr.
Scilovsky, Tibor. Welfare & Competition. rev, ed. 1971,
15.75; texted. £1.80. Irwin,
Shows, FE. Warren & Burton, Ruhert PL Microeconomics
1972. teat ed. 9.50 (ISDN 0-669-61564- 1), Lexington
Singer, Neil M. Public Microeconomics, 1972. 8.95 (ISBN

0-316-79276-4), Little.

Tisdell, C. A. Microeconomics: ‘he Theory of Economic

Resouree Allocation. 1972, price not set (SUN 0-471K7440-X). Wiley.

Vandermeulen, 19. Linear Economic Theory. (Eennomics

Sery. (FIL. text od. FOSS CISHN 1 45-596896-0). P-L
sev alse Integrated Circuits: Miniature Electronic
Equipment; Printed Circuits

Agnew, Jeremy. Thick Film Microelectronics. 1972. price
not set (ISBN 0-8104-5903-9). Hayden.

American Micra-System, Inc. Mos Integrated Circuits:
Theory. Fabrication, Design, & Systems Appliczations of

Mos-Csi, (Microclectranics Ser). (itus.). 1972. 18 00
{ISBN 0-442-20352-7). Van Nos Reinhold.
Beale, 2. KR. ect al. Microclectronics. (lilus.). 1971. 17. 50x
(ISBN 0-06-490330-3) R&Nn.
Durger, R. M. & Donovan, R. P., eds. Fundamentals of
Silicon Integrated Device Technology, Vol. 22 Bipolar
& Unipolac Transistors, 1969. ref. od. 18.50 (ISHN 0
P3-344515-1). PH.
— — Fundamentals of Silicon Intergated Device
Technulogy, Vol. 1 Osidation, Diffusion & Epitaxy,
1967. ref. ed. 18.50 (ISBN 0-13-344507-0). P-H.
Camenzind, HL. R. Circuit Design for Integrated
Plectronics. 1968. text ed. 13.50 (ISBN 0-201-O0BB0-


Carroll. Soka M. Micraclectronic Circuits & Applications.
(Microelectronics Circuits & Applications Library Ser).
1968. $3.00 (ISBN 0-07-010109-4). McGraw,
Dean, Kenneth J. Integeated Rlectranics, 1967, 4.50 (Pub.
by Chapman & Hall). BAN.
Doyle, Joha. Thin Fitm & Semiconductor Jategrated
Circuitry. 1966, 8.95 (ISBN 0-07-017761.9). McGraw.
Dummer, G. W., ed, Microminiaturization. 1962. 15.00
(ISBN 0-08-0096 28-X)}. Pergaman.
— —Soltid Circuits & Microminiaturization. (Hlus }. 1964,
8.50 (ISBN 0-08-010827-X)}. Pergainon.
Bummer, G. W. & Robertson, J. M., eds. American
Microelectronics Data Annual. 1964-67. 1964-65 ed.
22.50 (ISBN 0-08-01 1064-9); 1966-67 ed. 40.00 (ISBN
0-08-032118-7). Pergamon.
—~American Subminiature Electrani¢ Component Parts
Data Annual, 1963-1964. (Etecitonic Data Ser). 20.00
{SRN 0-08-010528-9), Pergamon.
— ~ Anglo-American Microglectranics Data Annual,
1968-1969, 2 Vols. (Electronics Data Ser). (Iilus.).
1968. Sct. $15.00 (ISBN 0-08-01) 2880-7), Pezgamon.
— —British Miniature & Subminiature Valves Data
Annual 1962-63, (Electronic Data Ser). 1962. 30.00
(ISBN 0-08-009665-4). Pergamon,
— —British Miniature Electronic Components Dats
Annual. 1961-62 ed. 15.00; 1962-63 ed. 25.00; 1963-64
eu. 20.00 (ISBN 0-08-010510-6); 1965-16 ed. 238 00
{ISGN 0-08-01 1424-5); 1967-68 ed. 44.00 (ISAN 0-0801 2580-6}. Pergamon.
= © German Miniature Electronic Components &
Assemblics Data 1967-68. (Electronic Data Ser}. 1968.
37.00 (ISHN 0-08-012503-4)}. Pesgamon.

~~ Mictoclectronic Fabrication Equipment, 1966-67.

(Electronic Dala Ser). 1966. 21.50 (ISBN 0-03-0118003). Pergamon.
Fogicl, Max. Modern Micraelectronics: Basic Principles,
Circuit Design, Fabrication Techanlogy. (Hlus.}. 1972,
16.75 (ISUN O-87891-503-6). Res & Educ,
Ghandhi, Sora’ K. Theary & Practice of Microclectranics,
({lus.. 1968. 19.00 (SBN 0-471-29718-6). Wiley.
Gore, W., ed. Microcircuits & Their Applicatinns. 1969.
price not set. Gordon.
Gosling, W. Inteaduction to Microctectronig Systems.
196K. 9.95 (ISDN 0-07-094076-2). McGraw.
Hamer, OW) & Diggers, V2 Thick Film Hybrid
Micruciccuil Technology. 1972. price not set (ISBN f471.34700-0). Wiley.

Holland, t. Thin Film Microctectrosics. 1966. 10.00
(ISIIN 0-471-40630-9), Wiley.
Kalish, Istach Microminiacure Etectronics. (Illus, Orig.).
pap. 5.74 (20562). Sams.
Keonjian, E. Applications of Micro Electronics to
Acrospace Vehicles, (Agardogeaph, Ne. 114). (illus.).
1969. text ed. 29.50 (ISBN 0-85102-000-3). Circa,
— -Micropower Electronics, 1964. 12.00 (ISBN 0-08010625-0). Pergamon.
Keonjian, Edward, ed. Microelectronics: Theory, Design,
& Fabrication. (Illus.). 1963. 14.75 (ISBN 6-07-0341)5-

4). McGraw.

Latham, Donald C. Transistors & Integrated Circuits.

(ntroducing Modern Science Banks Ser). {Illus.). (gr. 7
upy 1966. 4.95 (ISBN 0-397.30919-8). Lippincott.
Marshall, Samuel L. Microelectranie Technolagy. 1967.
tenped 13.50. McGrath.
Meyer, C, et al. Analysis & Design of Integrated Circuits,
(Multorota Solid Stute Elcetrosuies Ser). (ilus.). 1968.
texted, 14.50 (ISBN 0-07-041723-7), instructors”
manual 4.00 (ISHN 0-07-041724-5). McGraw.
Microwave Research Institute Sympasium. Moderns
Advances in Microwave Techniques: Proceedings, Vol.
4, weo ed. (IMas ). 1955, 13,75 (ISBN 0.470-27192-

2). W

Milch, i andbook of Electronic Materials: Siheoan
Nivride for Microclectronic Applications & Devices,
Vol, 6. 1972. 12.50 {ISBN 0-306-67106-9). [Ff Plenum,
Matorola Semiconductoe Products Inc. Analysis & Desige
uf Integrated Circuits. 1967. 18.50 (ISBN 0-07-04.1526.
XK) MeCieaw.

— + Integrated Cirenits: Design Principles & Fabrication,

1965. 14.75 (ISN 0-07-04 3525-1). McGraw,
Roddy, D. Introduction to Microelectronics, (Mus) 1970.
1.75 (ISBN 0-08-O16151-0). Pergamon.
Scarlent, J. A. Printed Circuit Boards for Microctegtronics.
1970. 12.50. Yan Nus Reinhold.
Schwartz, Seymour, intergrated Circuit Technology:
Instrumentation & Techniques for Measurements,
Process, & Failuee Analysis, (Hhus.), $967, 15.00 (ISBN
0-07-055747-0), MeGraw,
Shevehik, Vo N. Pundamentals of Microwave Electronics.
(International Ser, of Monogeaphs an Electronics &
Instrumentation: Vel 16). P16, TE S0 (ISBNS 0-08O1)200-X) Pergamon,

Sideris, G. Microclegteunig Packaging. Interconnection &
Asseinbly of Integrated Circuits, (908. 13.75 (ISBN O07-057341-3), McGraw,
Stambler, Irwin, World of Microelectronics. (gr. 7 pt

4.95 (21357); PLB 4.$1 (ISBN 0-498-26128-07 GAD

Symposium On Micrnelectronies And Large Sysicms +
Washington DO. . 1964. Micraclcelronics & Large
Systems. Mathis, Samuel J.. Jr. ct al, eds. 1968 10.50
(ISBN 0-87671-802-1). Spartan.

Topfer, Morton L. Thick Film Hybrid Microelectranivs.

1971. dest cul, 10.95 (ISBN 0-442-28564-7), Van Nos


see Trace Blements


Ranney, M. Micgoencapsulation Technology. 196%, 35.00
(ISBN O-8155-0277-N). Noyes.
see alsa Microfilms; Periodicals on Microfilas

sce also Periodicals on Microfilm

Aperture, Val. 14, No, 2. 7.50; pap. 4.50. Aperture.

Neison, C. E. Microtilm Technology: Enginecring &
Related Fields. 1965. 17.50 (ISBN 0-07-046205-4).

Saxon, James A. 1AMStystet-3 RPG Two Programming,
197], pap. 10.60; pap. text ed. 7.95. Dickenson.
see Books on Microfilin


see Micrnphotography
sce also Bonks on Microfilm; Microcards; Reader Printers
Diaz, A. J. Guide ta Micraforms in Print, Nineteen
Seventy Two, rev, annyally ed. pap. 6.00. NCRMicrocard.
Hale, Richard W., Jr., ed. Guide 1a Phatocapicd
Histosical Materials in the United States & Canada.
1961, 10.00% (ISBN 0-8014-0170-4). Cornell U Pr.
Kish, Joseph L., Jr. & Maris, J. Micrafilm in Business,
(Ulus.). 1966. 7.50. Ronald.
Reichmann, Felix & Tharpe, Josephine M. Bibliographical
Control of Microforns. 1972, 12.50 (ISBN 0-83716473-0). Greenwood Pub.

Subject Guide to Microforms in Print, 1972-73. rev.

bienunlly cd. pap, 6.00. NCR-Micsocard.
see Reader-Printers (Miccophotngraphy)
Stewart, Jean & Hickey, Doralyn. State of the Library
Act: Reading Devices for Micro-lmages, Vol. 3, Pt. 2.
Shaw, Ralph R., ed. 1960. 5.00 (ISBN 0-8135-0371-3).
Rutgers U Pr.
see also Microcards; Microfilms; Microphatography
Hawkins, Reginald. State of the Library Arts: Production
of Micra-Forms, Val. 5, PL 1. Shaw, Ralph R., ed.
1960, $.00 (ISBN 0-8135-0324-8). Rutgers U Pr.
soe Metallography; Micrascape and Microscopy

ELBadry, Hamed M. Micromsnipulatars &

Micromanipulation, (Ilus }. 1963. 15 80 (ISBN 0-38780648-2). Springer-Verlag.


sce Manometer
Munn, R. FE. Descriptive Micrometeorotogy. (Advances in

Geophysics, Suppl. 1). 1966. 9.75 (ISBN 0-12-018861-

9). Acad Pr,
Sinith, L. i, ed. The Application of Miccometeorology to
Agricultural Problems, (Technical Note Ser, No. 119).

(Orig.). 1972. pap. 4.00 (WMO). Unipub.

see Microelectronics; Miniature Electranic Equipment
Veaner, Allen D. Evaluation of Micropublications.
(Library Vechnology Program Publication No. 17).
1971, pap, 3.25 (ISBN 0-8989-3128-6}. ALA.

LeCaklwell, John C. Let's Visit Micronesia: Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands, (Let's Visit Ser). (éllus.). (gr. 37). 1969. PLB 348 (A53050). John Day.

Clyde, Paut il. Japan's Pacific Mandate. 1935, k.00 (ISBN

0-8046-008%1-3). Kennikal.
Dampier, Robert, To the Sandwich Islands on HM. 3.
Blonde. Jogeger, Pauline K., ed. 1971. 10.00 (ISUN 087022-176-0). U Pr of Hawaii,
L-De Smith, Stanley A. Mictostales & Micronesia, Problems
of America's Pavilig Islands & Other Minute
Territories. GHtintics in Peaceful Change Vol. 4). (illus).
1970. teat ed, 8.50 (ISIN 0-8147-0118-9). NYU Pr.
Fanning, Edmund, Voyages to the South Seas & ty the
Northwest Coast of America. eal. ed, 1970. 10.00
(ISON G-67770-012-5). Ye Galtean.
Louis, William R. Natinual Security & International
‘Trusteeship in the Pacific. 1972. price not set (ISHN O8702}-400-4). Naval tnst Pe.
fiver, Douglas L., cd. Planning Miccanesia’s Future.
(Ciitus.) 1971. pap. teat ed. 4.00% (ISHN 0-87022-6045) U Prof tawaii.
F Wenkam, Robert & Haber, Byron, Micronesia: The
Arcadfruil Revelution. (Hlus.). 1971. 15,00 (ISIN O8248-0102-4, Eastwest Ctr). U Pr of ilawaii.
Wiens, Herokt i Pacific Island Bastions of the United
States, (IHus, Orig.). 1962 pap. 1.95 (ISIN O-44209704-2, Sta, Sechl), Van Nos Reinhold,

sce Art, Micramesian

Select target paragraph3