1. We have studied Mr. Quarles! letter of February 7, 1958,
concerning the Department's proposal for an observer program for

Our comments are as follows,

2. We agree that the planned observer program for HARDTACK
should be reduced over that of REDWING,

Experience in REDWING

indicated that a lesser number of high officials concerned with
the program could make the trip than had been planned.
therefore, we accept that


planning for the HARDTACK program be

on the basis of 75 official observers with a division of 45 to the
Department of Defense and 30 to the Atomic Energy Commission,
However, it 1s necessary and is our intent to invite the high
governmental, AEC and contractor officials concerned with the
program and named, on the attached list.

This listing resembles

quite closely the invitation list for REDWING,

Should acceptances

exceed 30 we would expect that arrangements be made to transport
and accommodate the additional required,
3. It is necessary, of course, that we transmit our
avitations immediately if we are to receive early information as

to those who will attend.

To do this it 1s necessary that we

give a tentative timing for observer trips - both date of

departure and duration,

The Director of Military Application has

coordinated with the Commander, JTF-7 and with General Loper

to agree on information to be given in this regard.


will state that present plans contemplate observer trips leaving

the United States in mid-April, late April, mid-May and early

In connection with the time in the Proving Ground, we

belleve it unrealistic to promise observers that they will remain


Appendix /c"

Select target paragraph3