Narrative Samary (cont'd)
operation and the velfare of the men.
All problems at least temporarily solved, this element was ready
for the arrival of the WB~29's from Hickam Air Force Base.

The WB-29

shipments departed Hickam without incident in increments of four(4)

aircraft on 1 October 1952, four (4) on 2 October, and two (2) on 3
October 1952. With the arrival at Kwajalein of these ten (10) aircraft,
The Weather Reconnaissance Element, Provisional ( was folly
in place and became operational on 9 October 1952.
Following is a breakdow of the sections within the element and a

resime' of their activities up to and including 15 October 1952s


With an estimated ninety-two (92) percent of our brow Line itens
in place as of 16 September 1952, the Weather Reconnaissance Element
felt fairly secure along this line.

Our attention was then given to

those items which still had not arrived.

These items consisted mostly

of critical supplies Air Force wide, and as a result we could only sure
mise what the outcome would be.

The most important item that had not

turned up was the C-] aircraft stand of which we had ten (10) on order.
Because we felt that the arrival date of our aircraft would be earlier

than the arrival date of the stands, we airlifted our TO&E stands from

Hickam, also aircraft jacks anda tovber,


We encountered sone difficulty with items o% supply which we knew
were in place in the quantities requested.




However, when we drew these

Select target paragraph3