Narrative Sumary (cont'd)

forty percent had to be obtained from Hickam Air Force Base. Mow
functioning as a tmit, this headquarters housed the following sections:
Commanding Officer, adjutant, first sergeant, message center, intelligence, personnel, and statistical services,
The advance echelon then turned to new fields and immediately be-~
gan to set up the aircraft maintenance shop, line tents, electronics

shop, and tech supply. The first three (3) days they were hampered
by inadequate transportation and could not @raw all the property that ~ base supply was ready to issues.

A problen encountered while setting up our operating sites was the
non-availability of hand tools, such as saws, hammers, nails, pinch
bars, shovels, rakes, ete.

These items ware not available for issue

from the base supply officer.

The Navy Maintenance Compound aided us

at this point by loaning us such tools on a twenty-four (24) hour besis.
To prevent Teoccurence of this om future projects it has been suggest=
ed that base supply stock such equipment necessary for advance echelon's


We did have the utmost cooperation from the base supply officer

in procur. ing all items which had been ordered and wre in place.
Another problem encountered by the advance echelon and particularly

by the Weather Reconnaissance Element Supply Officer were the methods
used in processing work orders for building laundry racks, water coolers,
and other tenporary structures necessary for the accomplishment of the


A full discussion of the problem pertaining to the laundry

Tacks and water coolers follows:

At this station, which is Naval ope

erated, the method used requires that each section send the laumdry in



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