
of the generic method described by Adams(1981)
and by Leggettet al. (1984).

Several models have been developed over
the years to estimate the cycling and retention

Thecalculation for photon emissions is more

complex because the entire energy of the photon

of 99Sr in the body as a function of age to

is not absorbed in the source organ. As the body

calculate age-dependent dose conversion factors
(Kulp and Schulert, 1962; Rivera, 1967; Bennett,

and organ size become smaller,.a larger portion
of the energy escapes the source organ and the
relative position of the organs is significant.
Consequently, if the charged-particle-emission
concept is used for making age-dependent
adjustments for the total energy released per

1973, 1977, 1978; Klusek, 1979; Papworth and

Vennart, 1973; Leggett et al., 1982).

We have

previously used both the model developed at
EML (Rivera, 1967; Bennett, 1973, 1977, 1978;

Klusek, 1979) and that of Papworth and Vennart

transformation for a radionuclide like 137Cs
that has both charged-particle and photon


The two models give very similar

results, with the biggest difference in results
occurring for persons between ages 5 and 15 y.
Both models are empirical models based on

emissions, the actual dose for infants and
children will be overestimated. However, this

procedure can be used for 137Cs_ for a quick,



29Sr in the diet and

conservative approachto the relative dose from
137Cs asa function ofthe ageat intake.
Leggett et al. (1984) and Cristy and

corresponding measurements of 9°Sr in autopsy

that account for changes in deposition of photon

solution-fitting of the observed data.


Vennart's model does include -the


bone samples. The retentions and turnoverrates
and discrimination factors in the models are
determined by regression analysis or equation

Ekerman (1987a to 1987g) have calculated agedependent energy deposition factors (S factors)

energy as a function of size (i.e., age).


particular correlation is made with bone
compartments, as outlined by the [CRP (1972,
1979), in the EML model, but Papworth and

_ Tesults are based on Monte Carlo calculations in
various sizes of computer-generated phantoms;
the S factors are presented for newborn, 1-y-old,

5-y-old, 10-y-old, 15-y-old males, and adult
females and adult males. Values for other ages
are obtained bylinear interpolation.

compartments of compact and cancellous bone.

A recent model developed by Leggett etal.
(1982) is based on the structure and function of

We have combined the age-dependent
modifications to the ICRP model for charged-

particle emissions

bone compartments as generally outlined in the

ICRP model (1972, 1979). The bone is assumed to
be composed of a structural componentassociated
with bone volume, which includes the compact
cortical bone, a large portion of the cancellous

for the beta-particle

emissions (E = 0.51 meV) from 137Cs and the

methodsof Leggett et al. (1984) and Cristy and
Ekerman (1987a to 1987g) for the photon

(trabecular) bone, and a metabolic component

emission (E = 0.66 meV) associated with 137Cs

associated with bone surfaces. In effect, three

decay to generate the final age-dependent dose
conversion factors.

compartments are then identified, two within

the bone volumeandonewithin the bonesurface.

The biological half-life of 137Cs_ is

The bone volumeis associated with mechanical
structure and integrity of the bone, and the bone
surface is involved with the metabolic

determined as a function of mass(i.e., age) by
the methods described in the "Retention"

regulation of extracellular calcium. Much use is

The age-dependent energy deposition
factors and biological half-life are combined to

madeof general data about age-dependent bone
formation within these compartments and,
consequently, this model is not as dependent on

adjust the ICRP dosimetry methods for !37Cs to



an age-dependent model.

radionuclide-specific data as the other models.


Select target paragraph3