*NV (Roger Ray) will officially request HC-1 partidipation
in this exercise.

**LLL (Bill Robison) will provide the backhoe and m le at
North Island for the lifting exercise to be held
HC-l] training period.

*eePMTC (Twain Lockhart) will check to determine if
load on the USNS Wheeling while at dockside at Pt]

Helos can

The Daily Operations Concept, Personnel Scheduling,
Plan and Survey Sequences, and KMR Requirements were
by all participants with only minor comments made.

NV will provide to PMTC a list of technical su
scheduled for the first series, to include socia]
numbers and next of kin.


At the next scheduled meeting, berthing locationg
personnel will be determined.

for survey

For current planning, the first series will be ag

stated in



Attachment B.



Requests for area access to KMR will be separately initiated
by the DOE and DON.

PMTC will determine whether the communications cente¥
ship will be manned 24 hours a day. NV will provideften (10)
handie talkies and two (2) base stations for communiBation
between ship and shore parties.
EG&G will work with] PMTC on
frequency compatability.
A discussion concerning the Radiological Safety was Fonducted
with Bruce Church, the Chief of the Radiological Brahch of NV,
providing his input and recommendations, along with PMTc,
resulting in the following comments:


No radiological health hazard is to be expected
However, provision must be made for
documentation of radiological conditions.


A radiological annex for the Operations Plan wilR
by NV for issuance by appropriate Navy authorit


The radiological safety responsibility for all
is a Navy responsibility.
Radiological respons
DOE and its contractors will follow established

fin this
be draftec
vy participants
ility for
E policy.

Select target paragraph3