Brig. Gen. X. B. Fields


Oototer 23, 1952

Yneideatly, Borris plans to discuss with Al Graves and other sexbers

of the Task Farce at Entvetok the merits and éfestventages ef a plan to
divide overseas eperations into tro distinct parts as fer as scientific

Work ie coneerned. hus, LASlL would supply e scientific director to the

fask Foree for Enivetck ererations which would involve exclusively LASL tests.
Any work done there by Waltney personnal would be Gone as if hituey vere a

gubcontrestor to LABL, euch as ESL or B. G. ani @, For Bikini operctious,


the Task Force Comander would have @ different seientific director supplied

by Whitney aud the LASL-Whitoey relationship would be execstly reversed. The
saxe Tack Ferce, construction eontrectors, etc., could ezaily be useé at

both places. The only provlen would be to fix tine schetules and thie should

be ecay. Plense wiierstené thet this is act @ formal proposal but just an iéca
Sorria ie ievestigeting to gee if {¢ might have soue merit.

We have act

Gleccased £¢ with Whitecy personel sor anyone else yet,
My visit to Washington last week was aot ouly pleasant but very profitable

for the Laboratory and the hoapitality of DMA was up to ite usual high standard.

ere etyrereay ge
oo , &
Barcel Froma



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