
can determine the six sites in question are located on the Islands

of Ujelang, Rongelap, Utirik, Kusaie, Wotho and Kapingamarangi.
Rental of about $418.00 per year is being paid by DASA. The AEC
medical team has two trailers located at Rongelap. It has not
been determined if the rental payments cover these sites or just the
Rad Safe site at the end of the Island,

The rental paid at Utirik

probably covers locations of the five buildings previously described.
Mr. Norwood, High Commissioner asked our assistance in determining if Bikini could be returned to the natives who are now living on
the Island of Kili. He also requested the salvage rights to vessels
used in the tests and abandoned,

We requested our Nevada Opera-

tions Office to check on these two points.

was received by twx 11/10/66,

The following response

"Unclas in response to your twx requesting information
for High Commissioner W, R. Norwood, we have contacted a number of people in the AEC and other government agencies. A summary of pertinent facts and opinions relative to your questions are as follows:

On June 30, 1966, the AEC transferred possession

of the Pacific proving grounds, including Bikini
Atoll to the Department of Navy. Later the Navy
relinquished control of PPG to the Air Force as part
of the Western Test Range. Currently the Air Force
is conducting classified activities in that area, If

you desire details as to the nature of the activities,

you should direct inquiries to the Air Force liason
officer for the Western Test Range who is stationed
in Honolulu, Though a number of radiological surveys and bioenvironmental studies have been conducted
at Bikini since the last test there, none were speci-

fically directed toward determinining when the islands
could be reinhabited, It is the opinion of Dr. Gordon
Dunning, Deputy Director, DOS, HQ, and others that,
at present, there simply is not enough information
about all facets of the radiological problems at Bikini
to allow authorities in the AEC to consider reinhabitation of the islands on a completely unrestricted basis.

It is the opinion of Mr, Thomas Fleming, Chief Counsel,
NVOO, that authority to dispose of the abandoned vessels
must be delegated by DOD. At the present time, the

Select target paragraph3