



senples of soil for determination of 87-90 c..°0
These will assist in evaivetion and ssleation .0

of analysise


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Dre AlcuenJ.r of the Departmant of .., 0

preparing large
_sveral nethods.
.veilable methods

Previous comparisons have been linited in scope, but have

shown large deviations between methods, and one bread experiment is now.

Intercomparison Report


A summary of all laboratory intercomparisons on all samples run

to date has been completed, and will be issued as en NYO -eport.


between laboratories is gensrally good, but there are enough major variations
to warn against placing reliance on single results.
Control Milk
The Analytical Branch has been running an analysis monthly on

large batches of dried milk.

The first lot, run from June of 195) through

April of 1955 showed values of O.91 4 Ooll ppe/g Ca for 10 analyses.


second lot, run from August of 1956 through Decenber.of 1956 showed values
of hod 3 Oo7 pue/g Ca for 16 enalyses.

Although there ars insufficient

data for a complete statistical analysis, the results indicate some
deviations greater than expected from counting errer.

Future control samples

will be ashed and blended before use to remove the variation between cans in
" the seme lot.

Select target paragraph3