Several phases of Analytical Branch operations other than
cirsct enalyses are related to the strontium program.

Progress on

these projeots is reported here for completenesse

Wisconsin Milk Experiment
Dr. Alexander collected samples during a milk drying run
at Columbus, Wisconsin on November 13, 1956.

Dried milk was taken

at the start of the 16 hour run, and every hour to the end.


milx from the start and end and caustic washes from the clean-up

were also takene
Since processing consumes about one tank per hour and

one tank represents the largest blend made, the test should indicate
the variability that might be expected in Sr-90 and Cs~-137 for a
normal rune

Since our normal sampling is a 5 pound can selected

weekly, this variability will be extremely important.

Analysis of certain samples for Cs-127 will help in under=

standing parts of the strontiun program, as well as having value in

The estimation of gamma dose from fallout will rely heavily
on Cs-137 determinations for old debris.

The gummed film is adequate

for evaluating fresh activity, but analysis of pot samples for Cs-137
will assist in assigning an age to the material.

The concentration

of Cs-137 in foods and in human urine will be of direct intereste

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Select target paragraph3