


Milk Supplies
Dried milk from several sources in the United States

and abroad has been analyzed.

A complete summary of the data

is given in Table 11,
The high value for Mandan led to analysis of soil and

animal bone for this region,

The bone ren 2h pyc/g Ca and the

soil 6.1 pue/g Ca with 10 me/mi>.

Neither the fallout nor the

activity relative to calcium is high for the soil, yet the bone

value is what might be expected from the high level in the milk.
The milk samples from other sites are reasonably close to the
level found for New York.

Fish Samples

Canned tuna of know origin plus canned Alaska salmon
and bonito are analyzed on a regular basis.
analyses to data are given in Table 12.

The results of all

There are no apparent



Rein Collection

Rainfall has been collected since 2/25/55 at Pittsburgh.
The collections are made by Nuclear Science and Engineering
Corporation with a pair of tubs having a total area of 5.16 square


The collection periods are of irregular length and the

analyses are performed at NSE.
Mg. 7.

The cumulative data are shown in

Select target paragraph3