

Pollowing the detonation of a thermonuclear device at the Pacific Test Site
on 1 March 1954, 239 Marshallese people were exposed to significant levels of’
: gemua radiation from fallout.

Estimated total exposures ranged from 175r on

Rongelep to dir on Utirdk (1).
These populations were evacuated to Kwajalein for decontamination and care.
During the ‘two days of fallout exposure before evacuation was completed, the
Marshallese also received some radioactive naterials internally by ingestion and


Estimates of the internal body burden from fallout vere obtained

from the analysis (1) of urine samples collected soon after exposure.
These data indicated that the acute hazard from internally deposited fission

fragments was quite small es canpared to the whole body gamma radiation exposure.
Although the radioactivity levels in the urine were low, the activity was

sufficient to obtain reasonable precision and to warrant additional long tern
studies of the activity levels and excretion patterns of this rather large and

well isolated population.

The people from Alinginse and Utirik vere returned to their home islands
in June 1954.

Radiation intensities on Rongelap, hovever, precluded an early

return to this atoll and the Rongelap people lived on Majuro from June 1954 until

duly 1957.


Basic data on the food crops of theMarshallese indicated that after
resettlement on the contaminated atollsintake of etrontium? would be increased

considerably, andthat cesiun!37, 2inc®5, and eobalt®© vere dietary constituents
of island and ocean foodstuffs, and also would be assimilated (2).

‘The expected

increases in the trace enounts of radionuclides in the food supply of a large

population would afford an opportunity to investigate the rate of equilibration
end the discrimination factors operating between food supply and man.


Select target paragraph3