206 Health Physics ERRfor protracted exposure 1s assumed to be proportional to radiation dose m Gy, and the ERR per Gy 1s expressed as ERR Gy"! =B8X explyXe+8Xt+pXeXd 4 Here, 8 and ¢ are additional uncertain parameters, and t = In[(attained age — exposure age) X 257'] (3) The parameters im equations (1) and (4) are assumed to be random vanables 8, and Bp are distributed as lognormal for solid cancers and beta for August 2010, Volume 99, Number 2 mean = GM X exp[0 5 x In°(GSD)] = 4678 X 1 2533 =5 862 For an uncertain dose estrmate of 0 04 Gy (0 01 Gy from external radiation and 0 03 Gy from mternal radiation as discussed above under “Radiation dose”), the estimated ERR mustreflect the statistically mdependent uncertamtes of both the estrmated ERR per Gy and the estrmated dose m Gy Given a lognormal uncertamty distribution for the estrmated dose with GM = 002558 Gy and GSD = 2 51 (see “Radiation dose” above), the estimated ERR at mean dose 0 04 Gy, then, 1s considered to be approximately lognormal with GM = 002558 Gy X 4678 Gy"! =0 1197, leukemia, and y, 4, 5, and g are normal or constant Parameter medians and 95% uncertainty lymits are presented in Table 3 for all solid cancers less thyroid (9) and BEIR VII dose-response estimates, 1t differs from BEIR mean = GM X exp[0 5 X In{GSD)] VII with respect to modification of dose response at low doses and low dose rates (as discussed below under “Adjustment for protracted exposures”), transfer between the Japanese A-bomb survivors and the exposed Marshall Islands population (as discussed above under “Estimation of baseline cancer rates” and below under “Transfer of estrmated excess risk to the exposed MI populations”), and to treatment of the latent period between radiation exposure and diagnosis of cancer (as discussed below under “Latent period”) In these matters, we followed an earlier National Institutes of Health approach (NIH 1985, 2003) to evaluate the extent to which a given cancer diagnosis might beattributable to a given prior history of exposure to 1omzing radiation Example. From Table 3, the estimated ERR per Gy, accordmg to BEIR VII, for radiation-related thyroid cancer ma woman at age 62 y, following exposure at age (8) GSD = exp{[In°(2 51) + n° 96)]7} = 3 127, and non-melanoma skin cancer, for leukemia, and for cancers of the thyroid gland, stomach, and colon While the approach used mthe present analysis uses (7) = 01197 X exp[0 5 X In°3. 127)] = 0229 (10) Adjustment for protracted exposures In the BEIR VII report (NRC 2006), as elsewhere, a Imear-quadratic dose-response model 1s used for leuke- mia ERR associated with an acute radiation dose, but for protracted doses, the coefficient for dose-squared 1s set equal to zero, givmg a lmear dose-response model for leukerma For solid cancer msk followmg protracted or very low-dose exposures, the ERR 1s divided by a dose-and-dose-rate effectiveness factor (DDREF) The present calculations mvolve a different DDREF, shown m Fig 4 (left panel), which was developed for the “Interactive Radio-Epidemiological Program” (IREP) used to facilitate adjudication of compensation claims agamst the US government for radiation-related cancers (NIH 2003, Kocher et al 2008) When applied to the thyroid cancer example mtroduced under “Models for estrmation of radiation-related cancer nsk,” the uncer- 12 y, 1s tamty distribution for the ERR estimate divided by the ERR Gy7! = 1 05 X exp[—0 83 x (12 — 30) x 107! sponds closely to a lognormal distribution with GM = —00X In(62 x 60°'}] = 4678 DDREF, evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation, corre- (6) (Note that the ERR for excess thyroid cancer, unlike that for other cancers, does not depend upon attamed age ) Wetreat this esate as an uncertam value distributed as approximately lognormal with geometric mean GM = 468 and GSD = 96(as indicated by the 95% uncertamty bounds for the parameter 8, m Table 3) The arithmetic mean of this distribution 1s 0 0805 and GSD = 3 40 (mean = 0170) (Fig 5) Latent period As shown m Table 3, the dose-specific ERR may depend upon attaimed age and/or time following exposure, but experimental studies at the cellular and animal level strongly suggest that the process of radiation carcmogenesis requires me, 1¢, there 1s a mmmum latent period of uncertam duration that 1s superrmposed