Projected fete cancer nsks @C E Lano er av
Thyroid cancer 1s assumed to have a shorter mimmum latent period than all other sohd cancers, with a

nominal value of j2 equal to 5 y Im this case, the latent
period adjustment attams values of approximately 001
and 099 at T = 25 and 6 y, respectively
Leukemia 1s assumed to have the shortest mmmum
latent period with a nominalvalue ofyz set to 2 25 y The
latent period adjustment for leukemma attams values of
approximately 001 and 099 at ¢ = 04 and 41 y,


Torepresent uncertamty in the effects of latency on
risk estimates, the midpoimt, ys, 1s described by the

followmg tangular probability distributions stomach,

colon and all solid cancers as a group, T(5, 75, 10),
thyroid, T(3, 5, 7), and leukemia, T(2, 2 25, 25) The

effect of uncertamty m jy. on the adjustment for mmmum
latency for all solid cancers except thyroid cancer 1s
indicated bythe various percentilesof the latency adjustment shown m Fig Al


Select target paragraph3