Projected fete cancer nsks @C E Lano er av
Rongelap exposed cohort (78% with 90% uncertamty
limits 39% to 91%), but 19% (4% to 45%) for Utrik,
8 4% (1 7% to 20%) for Kwajalem and the mid-latitude
atolls, and 22% (04% to 60%) for Mayuro and the

southern atolls

In conclusion, the reader 1s reminded thatthe present

analysis 1s not an epidemiological study but, mstead, an
apphcation of existing mformation, gamed m recent
years from epidemiological studies of other exposed
populations, about the relationship between radiation
dose and subsequent cancer nsk This mformation has
been combined with new, refmed estimates of radiation

doses to the populations of different atolls m the Marshall Islands, as discussed m the compamion papers Our
conclusions are as follows (1) a substantial number of

cancers have already occurred orare projected to occur in
the future (about 170 but perhaps as many as 380or as

few as 44) that would not have occurred in the absence of

fallout exposure from nuclear testmg m the Marshall
Islands, (2) over half of projected past and future cancers
among members of the exposed Rongelap Island commumity (1, those exposed to Bravo fallout on Rongelap

Island and Ailmgmae m 1954) are radiation-related, and

(3) with the exception of thyroid cancer, the overwhelmimg majority of cancers that have occurred or will occur
among persons exposed only on atolls and islands m the
mid- and southern latitudes are likely to be baselme
cancers unrelated to radiation exposure

Acknowledgments—This work was supported by the Intra-Agency Agree
mentbetween the NabonalInsbtute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and
the National Cancer Institute, NIATD agreement #¥2 Al $077 and NCT
agreement #¥3-CO S117

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Select target paragraph3