-lThis report represents a summary of the major findings of the Medical
Survey of the peoples of Rongelap and Utirik atolls carried out in March 1963,
9 years after exposure to fallout radiation,

Complete data for the survey,

including a complete review of past findings, individual findings, and appendicies
will be published in a report to be combined with complete data of the ten year
post-exposure survey to be carried out in March 1964,

Brief summary of past findings:
These pezople had been accidentally exposed to fallout radiation following a
detonation of a high yield thermonuclear device during experiments at Bikini in

the Pacific Proving Grounds in March 1954,

Of the inhabitants of the Island of

105 miles away from detonation, 64 people received the largest fallout

exposure, an estimated dose of 175 roentgens (r) whole body gamma radiation; contamination of the skin sufficient to result in beta burns, and slight internal
absorption of radioactive materials through inhalation and ingestion,


Rongelap people away on a nearby island (Ailingnae), where less fallout occurred,

received only an external gamma dose of 69 r,

The people of Utirik Island about

200 miles east of Rongelap, received an estimated dose of 14 r whole body radiation,
Fallout was not visible on this Island and no skin and beta burns developed,
The exposed people were evacuated by planes and ships about 2 days after
the accident,

Because of contamination of their home island, the people of Rongelap

were not moved back until 1957 when radioactivity had subsided to a safe level,
On their return, they were established in a new village built for them,


Utirik people were returned to their Island after several months, (following initial
medical examinations),

s3ince contamination levels there were not considered

Annual medical examinations have been carried out on the Roagelap

people and the Utirik people have been examined 4 times including the present


A group of over 200 unexposed Rongelap man, women and children, wic have


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