Cronkite, E,P., Bond, V,P, and Dunham, C,L., eds., The effects of ionizing
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BNL 384 (T~71), August 1955,


Conard, R,A,, Huggins, C,E,, Cannon, B,, Lowrey, A, and Richards, J.B.,
J.AM.A, 164, 1192-7, 1957,
Conard, R,A,, Meyer, L.M., Rall, J,E,, Lowrey, A,, Bach, S,A,, Cannon, B,,
Carter, E,, Eicher, M, and Hechter, H., March 1957 Medical survey of Rongelap

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Conard, R, A,, Robertson, J.S,, Meyer, L.M., Sutow, W.W,, Wolins, W.,
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Carver, R.K,, and Potter, D,W,, Medical survey of Rongelap people, March 1958,
Four years after exposure to fallout, BNL 534 (T-135), May 1959,
Conard, R,A,, Macdonald, H,E., Lowrey, A,, Meyer, L.M,, Cohn, S,, Sutow, W,W,,
Blumberg, B,, Hollingsworth, J.W., *3 Lyon, H,W,, Lewis, W.H,, Jaffe, A.A.,
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Medical survey of Rongelap people five and six years after exposure to fallout,

BNL 609 (T-179) Sept, 1960,


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