Analysis of the statural data from the survey indicated the persistence
of the trends previously reported,

As shown in Figures 2 and 4 (page 10),

no difference was apparent in median statures between girls in the exposed
and control groups and between girls born to exposed and unexposed parents,
Among the boys, however, retardation in statural growth of the exposed group

between the ages of 10 and 17 years as compared to that of the control group
was again noted (Figure 1, page 10),

The difference in median statures between

boys born to exposed parents and those of nonexposed parents was also evident

in 1963 (Figure 3, page 10),

This difference has been attributed to the fact

that the boys in the group with exposed pareats were on the average 4 months
younger than the boys in the group with nonexposed parents,

examinations of the blood cells including basophil counts of 4009 white cells,
revealed no evidence of leukemic tendency in either exposed or unexposed people,
Residual beta burns,

These are listed in Table III, page 11,

changes were noted in the lesions as compared with last year,

Very few

The number of

pigmented macular and papular nevus-~like lesions previously noted in burned areas
seem to have slightly increased in some cases,

No cases of chronic radiation

dermatitis or skin cancer were noted,
Hematological examinations,

The hematological findings are s:mmarized in

Table IV, page 12, and in Figures 5 through 7 (pages 13, 14, 15).

As has

previously been done, the data in Table IV have been broken down into age groups,

In general the exposed Rongelap people continued to show slightly lower mean values for
the total leukocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes, particularly in the older age groups.
Platelet levels this year were lower in the exposed group than last year with
greater deficit of this element in nearly all age groups than noted with the leikocste


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