Joint Committee on Atomic Energy

February 4.195427
Brig. Gen. K. E. Fields, USA

Division of Military Application
-U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
1901 Constitution Avenue


Washington 25, D. C.


Dear General Fields:

The Committee 1s interested in knowing whether or not there”
were any unusual weather pheonmena which developed immediately.
following the IVY test shots.
To this end I wrote you on”
November 14 requesting a copy of the report entitled "Weather

Conditions Following Operation IVY", which, according to informa ~tion given the Committee, discusses this question.

Your reply of Nevember 20 referred us to the Task Force. **
Commander, For reasons of his own the Task Force Commander has ~.
informally stated that he feels it is impossible to furnish this.’ *
information to the Committee. Since the Task Force Commander =.
was acting as an agent for the Commission in the conduct of
these tests, I should like to request that your office obtain...

the requested report for the Joint Committee.

I understand in- |.

formally that the report is rather controversial and that a.sub-.
stantial body of opinion considers it to be strongly biased.‘ —
It would therefore be helpful to have responsible meteorologists.
and other scientists who were present at the test comment on °

this matter to the end that the Committee may have the benefit. of

&@ well rounded discussion of this matter by your office.
Graves comments would be particularly helpful.

Dr. °

In summary the Committee desires to have the AEC furnish >

a copy of the Pate report and any other information bearing on

unusual weather phenomena following the IVY test that the AEC™
Sincerely yours,

Corbin Allardice


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