DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY f1ELO COMMAND JOINT TASK GROUP - ENEWE TAS Abt: APG, SAN DRANGISOD ads Fehruary 1379 Recommendatio v3 Medical for Flying Sut: Commander md os 2 be SUBJECT: voint Task ‘Group Enmewetak APO Atoll, MI San Francisce 96333 Commander USASCH ATTN + AFZV-AV Fort Snafter, Teh: Hawaii 9636358 Commander FORSCOM * Ne AFOP-=-AV Fort McPherson, Georgia 1. 30330. .- ATTN: BB Te Enclosed 18 a copy of Medical Recommendation for Flying Duty which verifies that I have been administered a Flight PRysical bo jay extension period Orlice, Yeadquarters, (to my birth month) (Incl 1) during the as authorized hy the Aviation FORSCOM. <«. In the certification section of the enclosure I have only checked two biocks, aS opposed to the parenthetical instruction to checx at least thrae. Because I was in receipt of the 15 January 1979, letter (Subject: Notification of Temporary Suspension) from the USASCH Aviation SF ice, IT falt that t could not certify that I was on flying status according to current orders. As well, I had no official waiver of medical disqualification fr Flying tuties nor had I a medical disqualification for flying ?tuty. 3. I have had posted to my medical records a copy of the DA Yorm 41FC, Gated 2 4. February 1979, inclosure l. I have the understanding that after the flight physical is reviewed by Fort Pucker, Inclosure S. which is it will be in my medical forwarded to Fnewetak Medical Clinic for records. If there exists any irregularity in the processing cf my flight physical = Te Mg rs aa a TT te peeggtregac Pee ETee eee ee ee rep ea eee g ete e tele ° — eT eee ete — TC tea a