
that the overall radiological survey findings (including
plutonium) will lead to environmental assessments favorable
to restoration and rehabilitation for islands other than


that the restoration of Runit will not necessarily be
covered completely in the draft environmental statement;


that the subject of plutonium decontamination will be
treated so that Runit Island could be covered in the final
Statement or in an addendum to the final statement.

DMA offers the following comments with regard to the proposed
In both Sections 3b and 3c the DNA, AEC and DOI should assess
environmental conditions (for Ujelang and Eniwetok) on identical

bases so that Ujelang conditions may be used as a base of comparison.
The objective in both assessments would be to assure that comparable

environmental values are known for the two locations.

The AEC would

be able to provide in-depth environmental data on nw on the
basis of about 20 years of study.

Unfortunately, other environments

are not as well documented.


S/o fash iF

Select target paragraph3