James L. Liverman.


opinion regarding their position re the clean-up.

August 12, 1977

(You may recal]

that they signed off on the EIS with the caveat “until such time
as EPA provides Federal guidance," or words to that effect.)

Consistently EPA has told DNA and ERDA that Enewetak probably


won't be affected by their guidance; nothing is in writing, however.
At the moment it is not clear what, if anything, will happen to

the TRU guidance, and, despite my request, I do not expect any
enlightenment from EPA prior to the meeting next week. They do

continus to state, however, chat the current Enewetak criteria
are not unreasonable.

The second objective may be more difficult, if indeed it is even
possible. No one in ERDA knows the details of the military plans
for disposal (hence the. briefing on Monday), and there has never

been an assessment made of the potential health and environmental
consequences of such disposal. Ina letter from you to Gen. Johnson
dated April 10, 1975, it was stated that we assumed that EPA had

done this since they opposed ocean dumping and advocated crater
disposal, but we are not aware of any such assessment. It is

unrealistic to expect this review group to make such an assessment
in a few days time. However, I expect they will be able to offer
an opinion as to the adequacy of the disposal plans, or, perhaps,
a statement as to why it is not possible to assess their adequacy.

I feel that we have some of the best people in the country to conduct
this review, and, despite the short notice, time constraints, and a
large quantity of material to digest, I expect they will provide you
with appropriate guidance.

Bruce W. Wachholz, Ph.C.
Office of Environmental

Policy Analysis

As stated



Mr. McCraw

Dr. Watters

Dr. Weyzen “~~ -- 7

Mr. Holjister
Mr. Facer

Select target paragraph3