
lie. Dixy Lee Ray
Page 2
April 17, 1974
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quately deal with the potential problems of human habitation at
It does contain a short, 2 page, section entitled "sun-

mary and recommendations" which corments briefly on the advisapbility of human habitation at certain points on the atoll.
conclusions and recommendations are apparently based primarily on

data abtained from portable gamma survey meters which indicated

readings from less than 5 micro r/hr.
Various points in the atoll.

to over 700 micro r/fhr.


This report makes reference to a 1967 Ad-hoc Committee which evalu-

ated the radiological hazards of resettlement of Bikini.
sume that

this committee made

extensive written findings,

We pre-


Sions, and recommendations.
May we please have a copy of their
report, and of any reports updating or altering their conclusions?
Are there other reports cr memoranda from AEC or other sources,
Which make recommendations about human habitation at Bikini?
sO, Will you please send us a copy?’
On the same topic, we understand that several years ago, Tom McCraw,
head of the ARC's

Division of Operational Sanzety, made a

trip te

Rank £51Giua CG Gistuss radiation with the S8ikini people.
have faded considerably, however, and no one with whom we have
discussed this visit can remember exactiy what was said or even the
general tenor of the advice given.
If there are substantial raciation hazards at Bikini, and significant advisory measures that need
to be followed by the people, perhaps it would be a cood idea to
have a repeat visit by Mr. McCraw sometime shortly after the peovole
have been resettled.
in any case, it would be helpful for us to

have copies of any transcripts, notes, or reports stemming from the
earlier visit by Mr. McCraw to Kili.

A second major concern is the quality'‘of the past radiological

Surveys of Bikini.

We understand that the Division of Biclozy and

Medicine of the AEC did radiological surveys of Bikini in 1964 and

Did these surveys collect a sufficient quantity of data to
permit truly reliable recommendations?
Our understanding of the

1972-73 Enewetak Radiological survey leads us to believe that instru-


detection equipment,

and sampling

techniques have ali

improved considerably since 1964 and 1967.
Do vou believe that it
is advisable to have an updated radiological survey of Bikini, to
take advantage of technological advances, and to take a greater
number of soil and biota samples than was taken in 1964 and 1997?


A related concern is the apparent lack of data from Bikini that

Will allow reliable estimates of internal dosages.
At least we have
not scen any reports that indicate detailed sampling, or indeed any
Significant sampling, of edible fish and plant material From Bikini

Have such samples,

EE 5 5



in sufficient quantity, been taken?

If so,

Select target paragraph3