
AEC/DOD Agreement of September 14, 1965, Subject: “Responsibilities
for Planning for the Support of Readiness and Conduct of Atomic Weapon
Test Operations Outside North American Continental Limits and Related
Budgeting and Funding.”


The National Nuclear Test Readiness Program, October 1968 (SRD).


DASA/USAF Interservice Support Agreement (6/20/70) Delineating the Relationship at Johnston Atoll in all Matters Related to Activities of the
DOD and AEC in Support of the NNTRP.


Memorandum of Agreement Between 6486th Air Base Wing and AEC Regarding
Contractual Arrangements at Johnston Island (June 1970).


Memorandum of 27 April 1970, from the Deputy Secretary of Defense to
the Director, DASA, Providing Interim Guidance on Readiness Program
Activities Pending Review and Approval of a Revised NNTRY.
(SDI) .


Memorandum of 27 April 1970 from the Deputy Secretary of Defense to the
Secretary of the Air Force, Subject: “Transfer of Management of Johnston
Atoll from DASA to the Air Force.”


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