

Damon Tract. The AEC/H&N offices at Ohohia Street have been vacated,
and Damon Tract now provides the operating base for PASO and associated
agencies. The majority of the buildings and about two-thirds of the
acreage have been licensed to other agencies (Post Office, GSA) with
appropriate reentry rights. The trailer park provides the main AEC
administrative area; the remainder of the retained facilities provide
readiness storage and support the Air Force’s M&O effort at JA.


TRF/Kauai. The Kauai Test Readiness Facility and directly supporting
facilities remain operational with M&O and funding responsibilities
transferred to SLA.


Other Hawaiian Areas. With very minor exceptions, the remaining
facilities in the Hawaiian area have either been loaned to other agencies, returned to host activities or closed. In each case, appropriate
reentry rights have been retained.


Kirtland APB, New Mexico, At Kirtland Al?B, several of the laboratory
trailers have been removed, with the balance converted, to storage or
retained in use to support readiness-related operations of the NC-135
and sampler aircraft. Much of the technical equipment from Johnston
Atoll and EG&G, Bedford, is stored in available space here.


Readiness Equipment.
AEC non-technical and technical equipment, including communications equipment required for the support of testing in
the Pacific area, has been essentially disposed of or applied to other
use. (Some technical equipment has been returned to the Laboratory
and/or stored at HAl?B, Damon Tract, NASBP and JA.) Support-type equipment such as vehicles, shop equipment, office furniture, etc., not currently required, has been disposed of in the Hawaiian area. Construction type equipment at JA and Hawaii has been disposed of. In the event
of a resumption of teStln~, it will be necessary to procure or otherwise
obtain from AEC/DOD resources most of the required equipment.



Primary emphasis in NVOO’S FY-1971 program is placed on support of an
active aircraft program and on EG&G technical support to the LASL highaltitude program. Limited effort is also directed toward low-level maintenance of readiness facilities and equipment systems, and retention of
a safety capability.
The propram is summarized as follows:

Field Construction.


EG&G, Inc. EG&G will provide scientific/technical support to the
LASL’S high-altitude program in the areas of: (a) development, engineering and fielding of optical and other high-altitude instrumentation, (b) scientific data processing, (c) spectrometer design ancl

No majorAEC



construction effort is planned for

Select target paragraph3