
The National Nuclear Test Readiness Program, October 1968 (SRD).
This document, issued in 1968, outlines a revised National Nuclear
Test Readiness Program in those environments (atmospheric, highaltitude, and underwater) prohibited by the Limited Test Ban
Treaty. It lists proposed test events (beginning at GO plus 2 months
and extending through GO plus 24 months), including nuclear operational systems tests, nuclear tactical exercises, water wave events,
AEC airdrop series, naval effects program, high-altitude program,
EMP program, cratering and ground shock program, R/V survivability
demonstration, Kwajelein high-altitude tests, high-latitude program
and hardened structures tests; l!hisdocument is presently undergoing revision to reflect the most current readiness policy, and is
expected to be ready for approval in mid-FY 1971. Changes are expected
to reflect primarily (a) a relaxation of response times to 5-6 months
for early device development events, (b) an increased emphasis on
high-altitude Spartan events with a response time of about 12-14
months, and (c) an increased concentration on instrumentation development to support hjgh-altitude experiments involving weapons system
integrity and performance in a nuclear environment.


AEC/DOD Agreement on Responsibilities for Planning for the Support
of Readiness and Conduct of Atomic Weapon Test Operations Outside
North American Continental Limits and Related Budgeting and Funding.
(Sep&ember 1965).
Establishes principles of AEC and DOD agency responsibilities in the
Pacific for planning and support of Readiness Program activities.
Recognizes areas of unique expertise of the participating agencies,
and assigns special responsibility in specific areas:
DOD - Transportation, aircraft and naval vessels, operational weapons
systems, long-haul communications, certain security protection, on-site safety, weather data collection;

AEc- Assemblylarmingltiming/firing, signal systems and nuclear
required except for NOST/NUTEX events, off-site public safety,
weapon yield and SS material control.
Assigns primary mission responsibility in designated areas (Johnston
Atoll, Hawaiian Area, other Pacific areas) for planning, funding,
operating and maintaining base support facilities and services.
Assigns to DOD the primary mission responsibility for support facilities and services at JA. Facilities in the Hawaiian Area and elsewhere are largely joint responsibilities of ARC and DOD and in selected
off-island areas are the primary responsibility of the AEC. This
agreement has been reaffirmed under the DASA/USAF agreement transferring DOD support responsibility at JA. (See below)


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