ment in capital works is,

cf course,

steadily increasing.

The need for the early appointment of 2 doctor t.ith some specjal trainins in the treatment of tudsrcuicsis is recognized by both
the Territorial Government and the Administering authority.


efforts to obtain a suitable officer will continue unflaggine. The
South racifiec medical service may be of assistance in this matter.
as far as education is concerned,

I can say without exaggera-

tion that the administering suthority agrees that in this field 4
special effort must be made during the next few years.
urgently neecs at least a cadre of highly educated men.


@s the

Ur seeby's

istinguisned representative of Belgium has said,

"deliberately critical’,

and it

is tn: sort of criticism with the

aid of which a more comprenensive system of education may be builit.

Once again, this is a matter thich can be tackled successfully only
if the Samoans themselves cooperate fully with the

authority and with their own Government.


The Beeby report is, of

under consideration by the Territorial Government at pre-

The remarks made in tris Touncil concerning the need for a
Fublic Library in the Territcry will,

I know,

be read with great

pleasure and interest by ail those interested in the preject, and
the Council will be advised next year of what action is contenplated or has been taken.
In many ways the past year has oeen a year of preparation of the gathering of data,

of the analysis of facts and figures - of

planning rather than action,

been lacking.

although action itself has certainly na@

As the distinguished representative of the United

Stat7s has reminded us, basic studies such as the Economic Survey,
Dr Beeby's report,

and sr Suncan's report,

is to be scientific and fruitful.
way overleck,

This is a truth which the impatient

but which the wise will appreciate.

facts and figures are phantasms

are essential if planning


-Plans divorced from

mere wistful dreams or wishful

signifying very little.

/ This


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